Rajeev College of Pharmacy is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. To ensure a positive and harassment-free educational experience, the college has implemented strict anti-ragging policies and procedures. Here’s an overview of our commitment to maintaining a ragging-free campus and the rules that govern it:

Commitment to a Ragging-Free Campus

At Rajeev College of Pharmacy, we firmly believe that every student deserves to learn and grow in an environment free from intimidation, harassment, and discrimination. We uphold a zero-tolerance policy towards ragging and are dedicated to ensuring a respectful and inclusive atmosphere for all.

Key Aspects of Our Anti-Ragging Commitment:

  • Strict Prohibition: Ragging, in any form, is strictly prohibited on campus. This includes any form of physical, verbal, or psychological harassment.
  • Awareness Programs: Regular awareness programs and workshops are conducted to educate students about the adverse effects of ragging and the importance of maintaining a respectful environment.
  • Anonymous Reporting: We have established a confidential and anonymous reporting system for students to report any incidents of ragging or harassment without fear of retaliation.

Anti-Ragging Rules and Regulations

1. Definition of Ragging:

Ragging is defined as any act that causes psychological or physical harm to a student. This includes:

  • Verbal abuse or threats
  • Physical violence or coercion
  • Forced consumption of alcohol or drugs
  • Any behavior that humiliates or embarrasses another student

2. Prohibition of Ragging:

  • Campus Regulations: Ragging is prohibited in all areas of the campus, including hostels, classrooms, common areas, and during college events.
  • Zero Tolerance: The college enforces a zero-tolerance policy for ragging. Any student found engaging in or supporting ragging activities will face stringent disciplinary action.

3. Reporting Mechanism:

  • Anti-Ragging Committee: An Anti-Ragging Committee is in place to address complaints and incidents related to ragging. The committee is responsible for investigating complaints and taking appropriate action.
  • Grievance Redressal: Students can report incidents of ragging directly to the Anti-Ragging Committee, through the college’s online grievance portal, or by contacting designated helplines.
  • Confidentiality: All complaints will be handled with the utmost confidentiality, and the identity of the complainant will be protected.

4. Disciplinary Action:

  • Immediate Action: The college will take immediate action upon receiving a complaint of ragging. This may include suspension or expulsion of the students involved.
  • Penalties: Disciplinary actions for those found guilty of ragging may include fines, suspension, expulsion, or other penalties as deemed appropriate by the Anti-Ragging Committee.
  • Legal Consequences: Serious cases of ragging may be reported to law enforcement authorities, and legal action may be taken against the perpetrators.

5. Support Services:

  • Counselling: The college provides counselling services for students who may be affected by ragging or who require support in dealing with such incidents.
  • Student Orientation: During orientation, new students are briefed about the anti-ragging policies and the importance of maintaining a respectful and supportive environment.

Rajeev College of Pharmacy is dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students. Our stringent anti-ragging policies and proactive measures are designed to prevent any form of harassment and ensure that every student can pursue their education in a supportive and secure setting. We encourage all members of our college community to contribute to maintaining a ragging-free campus and to uphold the values of respect and dignity.